Barry Boehm, the father of software estimation, derived what he calls the Constructive Cost Model, or COCOMO, for determining the cost of software projects.5 Though far from perfect, COCOMO is predictive, quantitative, and probably the most well-established model extant.
Boehm defines three different development modes: organic, semidetached, and embedded, where "embedded" means a software project built under tight constraints in a complex of hardware, software, and sometimes regulations. Though he wasn't thinking of firmware as we know it, this is a pretty good description of a typical embedded system.
Under COCOMO the number of man-months (MM) required to deliver a system developed in the "embedded"
where KSLoC is the number of lines of source code in thousands, and Fi are 15 different cost drivers.
Cost drivers include factors such as required reliability, product complexity, real time constraints, and more. Each cost driver is assigned a weight that varies from a little under 1.0 to a bit above. It's reasonable for a first approximation to assume these cost driver figures all null to about 1.0 for typical projects.
This equation's intriguing exponent dooms big projects. Schedules grow faster than code size does. Double the project's size and the schedule will grow by more than a factor of two—sometimes far more.
Despite his unfortunate eponymous use of the word to describe a development mode, Boehm never studied real-time embedded systems as we know them today so there's some doubt about the validity of his exponent of 1.20. Boehm used American Airlines' Sabre reservation system as a prime example of a real-time application. Users wanted an answer "pretty fast" after hitting the enter key. In the real embedded world where missing a deadline by even a microsecond means the 60 Minutes crew appears on the doorstep with multiple indictments, managing time constraints burns through the schedule at a prodigious rate.
Fred Brooks believes the exponent should be closer to 1.5 for real-time systems. Anecdotal evidence from some dysfunctional organizations gives a value closer to 2. The rule of thumb becomes: double the code and multiply man-months by four. Interestingly, that's close to the nearly n2 number of communication channels between engineers noted before.
Let's pick an intermediate and conservative value, 1.35, which sits squarely between Boehm's and Brooks' estimate and is less than most anecdotal evidence suggests. Figure 2 shows how productivity collapses as the size of the program grows.
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